BBC Knowledge is a magazine for young inquisitive minds where well-researched, handpicked stories are matched with breath-taking visuals to cover science, history and nature.
SkyNews - the magazine of astronomy and stargazing, features complete observing information, expert equipment reviews, star chart — everything beginners and intermediate amateur astronomers and astrophotographers need. Edited by astronomy author Terence Dickinson, published in Canada, columnists include equipment guru Alan Dyer, comet hunter David Levy, Ken Hewitt-White, Gary Seronik, Ray Villard.
World War II magazine covers every aspect of history's greatest modern conflict with vivid, revealing, and evocative writing from top historians and journalists. Each issue provides a lively mix of stories about soldiers, leaders, tactics, weapons, and little-known incidents of the war, including riveting firsthand battle accounts and reviews of books, movies, and video games. And the most authoritative magazine on the war features a striking design that highlights rare, archival photographs and detailed battle maps to convey the drama and excitement of the most famous battles and campaigns.
Archaeology magazine offers readers incisive reporting, vivid storytelling, compelling photography – and the latest news from around the globe – all devoted to exploring the world’s ancient past. Whether reporting from a dive on an Arctic shipwreck, trekking through Afghanistan, or digging just beneath Beirut, Archaeology’s editors and writers bring readers the science, and the magic, of archaeological discovery.
Discover Magazine gives its readers the real story: on-the-scene photography, highly personal portrait shots, and cutting edge scientific imagery. The design is elegant and refined--not dry like a textbook, not glossy and remote like a travel guide. Every issue contains a balance of big-idea, text driven stories and more image-rich features that convey the feel of where and how the most amazing research happens.