In this book we have attempted to outline the history of the art of the Vikings - a people who were considered by their contemporaries to be barbarians. Our history touches but one facet of a rich culture which affected the whole of north-western Europe and, whether the Vikings are interpreted as barbarians or civilizers, the art which they left behind them has an originality and a stature second to none in Europe of the period from 800 - 1100.
This new work fills a gap in the literature in English on the swords made and used in northern Europe during the Viking age, between the mid eighth and the mid eleventh centuries. Ewart Oakeshott outlines the significance and diversity of these ancient heirlooms; co-author Ian Peirce, who handled hundreds of swords in his research for this book in museums across northern Europe, selects and describes sixty of the finest representative weapons. Where possible, full-length photographs are included, in addition to illustrations of detail; an illustrated overview of blade types and construction, pattern-welding, inscription and handle forms ...
Kings and Vikings - Scandinavia and Europe A.D. 700 - 1100
Sawyer's book is an exploration using current research of what and who the vikings were. Far from the blood thirsty raiders of Bede and the chroniclers, or the peaceful traders of modern hopes, it shows the vikings to have mingled both activities.