The Practice Pack includes picture dictionary, word games, test-yourself sections, grammar exercises, and Everyday English dialogues to learn. PLUS test yourself with the ingenious red plastic square! It makes words 'disappear' so you can remember and say.
Best Practices for Teaching Reading: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do
This unique guide provides exemplary teaching practices from award-winning teachers who are willing to share their expertise. These are the teachers we read about in journals and magazines, the teachers who win grants, fellowships, and contests. Enjoy “poking your nose” into great classrooms! With 40 classroom-tested strategies from award-winning teachers, this book offers guidance for teaching reading to elementary and secondary learners with diverse learning styles and abilities.
in English Elementary - 3- in-1 Practice Pack - Vocabulary Practice Book
Интенсивный курс современного английского языка. Учебное пособие разбито на небольшие блоки, лёгкие для запоминания. Кроме этого, предлагается большой спектр практических заданий, помогающих студентам выработать уверенность. В практических заданиях используется коммуникативный подход с множеством ролевых игр.
The Practice Pack includes picture dictionary, word games, test-yourself sections, grammar exercises, and Everyday English dialogues to learn. PLUS test yourself with the ingenious red plastic square! It makes words 'disappear' so you can remember and say.
Elementary Mathematical and Computational Tools for Electrical and Computer Engineers Using MATLAB, Second Edition
Showing how MATLAB® can help solve computational problems in engineering, Elementary Mathematical and Computational Tools for Electrical and Computer Engineers Using MATLAB®, Second Edition explores practical mathematical methods for students, covering numerical techniques of elementary calculus and linear algebra and detailed introductory material on difference equations, complex variables, transformation theory, and probability theory. This integrated approach strengthens students' analytical and computational abilities.