We are all economists—when we work, buy, save, invest, pay taxes, and vote. It repays us many times over to be good economists. Economic issues are active in our lives every day. However, when the subject of economics comes up in conversation or on the news, we can find ourselves longing for a more sophisticated understanding of the fundamentals of economics.
How can I get an overview of the entire U.S. economy?
Why do budget deficits matter?
What exactly does the Federal Reserve do?
Why do most economists favor international trade so strongly?
Econometric Methods with Applications in Business and Economics
Applied work in business and economics often require a solid understanding of econometric methods to support decision making. This book provides this, encouraging an active engagement with these methods by means of examples and exercises, so that the student develops a working understanding and hands-on experience with current day econometrics.
Учебное пособие English on Economics предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по экономическим специальностям, владеющим английским языком в объёме средней школы и продолжающих изучение языка в вузе
With its clear and engaging writing style, PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS, 5E, continues to be one of the most popular books on economics available today. Mankiw emphasizes material that you're likely to find interesting about the economy (particularly if you're studying economics for the first time), including real-life scenarios, useful facts, and the many ways economic concepts play a role in the decisions you make every day.
The book is aimed at undergraduate students taking Level 2 or Level 3 courses in international economics. As well as students specialising in economics, the book is likely to be of interest to students on business studies, management, and social science programmes. Massive changes took place in the world economy in the last quarter of the twentieth century and the speed with which markets in goods, services, and finance were liberalised has no historical precedent.