
Scholarship of literature and the environment demonstrates myriad understandings of nature and culture. While some work in the field results in approaches that belong in the realm of cultural studies, other scholars have expanded the boundaries of ecocriticism to connect the practice more explicitly to disciplines such as the biological sciences, human geography, or philosophy. Even so, the field of ecocriticism has yet to clearly articulate its interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature. |
Tags: field, nature, ecocriticism, geography, philosophy |
Ecocriticism (The New Critical Idiom)
Inspired by a range of ecological movements, ecocriticism explores the ways in which we imagine and portray the relationship between humans and the environment in all areas of cultural production, from Wordsworth and Thoreau to Disney and BBC nature documentaries. Greg Garrard's animated and accessible volume traces the development of the movement and explores the concepts which have most occupied ecocritics, including:
* pollution * wilderness * apocalypse * dwelling * animals * earth. |
Tags: which, explores, concepts, occupied, ecocritics, Ecocriticism, Idiom, Critical |