Developing Skills for the TOEFL iBT Developing Skills for the iBT TOEFL continues the Compass graded test preparation course designed to hone the test-taking skills required of students who will take the TOEFL iBT administered by ETS. In this second book of the series, students will be able to familiarize themselves with innovative question types found on the TOEFL iBT test in addtion to practicing suggested tips and skills designed to increase their test scores in all four skill-based test sections: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
Specially designed for English teachers. The Teacher’s Magazine is a monthly issue specially designed for teachers of English as Foreign or Second Language. It provides creative ready-to-go materials to make their classes more active and appealing to students. The ideal magazine for English teachers that choose to work effectively with students of all levels and ages and an asset at the moment of developing contents.
Wild is a publication of the Canadian Wildlife Federation. It is an informative and educational magazine aimed at kids aged 6 to 12 that features wildlife photography and articles designed to get them thinking about the environment.
Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha: A Real World Guide to an Unreal Life: Build More Muscle. Burn More Fat. Have More Sex (only ebook)
Every man has the potential for a great body, insane sex, and an unreal life. (Seriously) Want to lose body fat? That's easy—you can drop 20 pounds in 6 weeks. Want bigger muscles? Done. A 50-pound increase to your bench press, coming right up. Want to be smarter? Not a problem—the strategies in this book have been proven to increase brain function.