Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English, 09th edition Данный словарь пользуется огромной популярностью и выдержал уже 9 изданий. Девятое издание на 14 процентов больше предыдущего - изменения коснулись в основном нововведений из области компьютерной лексики.
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RESOURCE BOOKS FOR TEACHERS This series gives the classroom teacher a guide to the practice of key aspects of language teaching, and considers some of the underlying concepts. In each book an introduction presenting important current issues in the area under consideration is followed by examples and discussion of actual classroom materials and techniques.
CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2012, Fifty-First Edition
Written by clinicians renowned in their respective fields, CMDT offers the most current insight into symptoms, signs, epidemiology, and treatment for more than 1,000 diseases and disorders. For each topic, you’ll find concise, evidence-based answers to questions about hospital and ambulatory medicine. This streamlined clinical companion is the fastest and easiest way to keep abreast of the latest medical advances, prevention strategies, and cost-effective treatments.
Cornerstones of Financial and Managerial Accounting, Current Trends Update
CORNERSTONES OF FINANCIAL & MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING gives students a strong foundation of core financial accounting concepts in an efficient and relevant way. The unique Cornerstones pedagogy is at the heart of this text, providing consistent step-by-step examples to help students solve fundamental problems.