This edited collection addresses the institutional context and social issues in which teaching the women's studies introductory course is embedded and provides readers with practical classroom strategies to meet the challenges raised. The collection serves as a resource and preparatory text for all teachers of the course including experienced teachers, less experienced teachers, new faculty, and graduate student teaching assistants.
Study Skills for Psychology has been shaped around a typical psychology studentв€™s journey. Beginning with an overview of the nature of the degree and advice about what needs to be sorted out in the first few weeks of the course, this book tackles how to get the most from your lectures, exam preparation and project development, right through to contemplating and investigating future career options.
This highly accessible guide is designed to help you meet the challenges and reap the rewards of your degree by introducing a range of study skills and providing you with ways to practice those skills. This book should accompany you throughout your degree course as a resource that you can use whenever you need help.
Two detective stories: The Witness of the prosecution and The Mystery of the Blue Jar. Read by Adam Muskin. The Witness of the prosecution. A murder trial takes a diabolical turn when the wife of the accused takes a stand...A woman's sixth--and a loaded revolver--signal premonitions of doom...A stranded motorist seeks refuge in a remote mansion, and is greeted with a dire warning...Detective Hercule Poirot faces his greatest challenge when his services are enlisted--by the victim--in a bizarre locked-room murder. "The Mystery of the Blue Jar" (1933) Jack Hartington lives for golf; since he's 24 and has to earn a living, he lives near a golf course where he can practice every morning before work. Then screams no one else hears begin coming from a cottage near the course, every morning at the same time - and whatever's going on centers around the image of a woman holding a blue jar. Агата Кристи - английская писательница, непревзойденный мастер детектива. Тонкая работа ума, отточенность мысли, логика и умение анализировать факты приковывают внимание к детективам Кристи. Она принадлежит к тем немногим писателям в области детективного жанра, чьи произведения написаны и изысканно, и занимательно. В разгадке преступлений побеждает умнейший. Ее рассказы интригуют с первой минуты. Audio reuploaded Thanks to NatYu!
An innovative, five-level beginner's course for young learners from the age of 10.The fifth level, Project Plus, is a revision level with the emphasis on skills extension, in particular reading and speaking. (Notice: Those should be all the revision tests used for the purpose of testing the advancement in the learning following the lectures given in the course book under the same title.)