Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Exam Materials » SAT | 8 March 2021
The purpose of this book is to provide you with a powerful and comprehensive system for attacking the Reading Comprehension section of the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). By carefully studying and correctly applying the techniques we employ, we are certain that you will increase your Reading Comprehension score.
Reported speech and indirect speech mean the same thing: They allow you to express what someone has said. This sentence, “He said he was studying English”, is an example of reported speech. But how do you conjugate the verbs? Is it “he said he was studying” or “he said he studied“? Both are correct depending on the situation. Learn how to say it correctly every time with Ronnie’s quick and easy chart. Your friends said they watched this lesson. So what are you waiting for?
The little book goes forth—a finger-post on the road of language pointing in the right direction. It is hoped that they who go according to its index will arrive at the goal of correct speaking and writing...
In this spoken English lesson, we are going to take a look at how ‘supposed to’ is used in different ways. It is a modal verb and is always followed by the ‘be’ form (is, am, are, was, were) of the verb.
Listen to Audio Pronunciations of Common English Vocabularies. This course covers a few thousands of commonly used English words in various categories. Students will be able to try pronouncing words by themselves, as they appear on the screen, before listening to Emma's pronunciation. While you learn how to pronounce the words correctly, you may will also get familiar with words that you didn't know before. The course is especially designed to be consumable in situation when the student needs to kill some time. It requires minimal concentration and can easily be used on the train, bus, any waiting room you may find yourself in etc.