Conversation Gambits (Real English Conversation Practices)
Те, кто изучает английский язык, часто сталкиваются с проблемой языкового барьера. Вечный вопрос «Как разговориться?» беспокоит и начинающих, и тех, кто уже довольно уверенно понимает английский язык, но, увы, донести свою точку зрения до собеседника может с большим трудом. К счастью, теперь совершенно не нужно метаться в попытках заучить пару вводных фраз, с трудом найденных в интернете или вычитанных из диалогов в грамматическом справочнике: все нужные выражения содержатся в занимательном пособии для развития разговорной речи под названием Conversation Gambits.
Sure you have sometimes run out of ideas to start a conversation in your classroom. This book provides 2000 topics to talk about, divided into several subjects like Health, Jobs, Cultural Misunderstandings or travel. "You are driving your friend somewhere. When you ask her to put her seat belt she refuses". A nice place for showing pre-selected situations for your students to ask or give their opinion. It is also a good source for oral examiners. Over Two Thousand Conversation Topics!
A Conversation Book helps students to develop conversation fluency. The student-centered text and audio teach the vocabulary and life skills necessary for natural communication. Each of the ten units focuses on an essential aspect of daily life such as food, shopping, and work. Activities ranging from role plays to group surveys promise a lively class and help students achieve the language competencies needed to succeed at school and work. Easy-to-follow unit structure, Picture Dictionary openers introduce and contextualize the vocabulary of each lesson and Model Conversations and Partner Interviews offer students opportunities to talk about their own lives. REDUCED VERSION by Pumukl
Added by: otherwordly | Karma: 222.42 | Fiction literature | 26 October 2008
What we get with Dostoyevsky is dramatic tension, detailed and believable human characters, and brilliant insight into human nature. Early in the novel our hero meets and has a lengthy conversation with Marmeladov, a drunkard. This conversation is never uninteresting and ultimately becomes pathetic and heartbreaking, but I kept wondering why so much time was spent on it. As I got deeper into the book, I understood why this conversation was so important, and realized that I was in the hands of a master storyteller. This is also indicative of the way in which the story reveals itself. Nothing is hurried. These people speak the way we actually speak to one another in real life, and more importantly, Dostoyevsky is able to flesh out his characters into whole, three-dimensional human beings.
Курс включает разговорную практику по тематике повседневной жизни с объемом новой лексики 25-30 слов за урок в классе, интенсивное аудирование в классе и дома, и письменные упражнения в рамках домашних заданий. Рабочая тетрадь (книга с упражнениями) для уровня Beginner. С ответами.
The course includes Conversation practice on daily life with a new vocabulary words 25-30 for a lesson in class, intensive listening in class and at home, and written exercises in the homework. Level Beginner