Read Alouds help to build children’s listening comprehension. This anthology offers selections from a variety of genres, including biography, fiction, folktales, nonfiction, songs, and poetry, to share with children. Instruction is provided with each selection to develop specific comprehension strategies.
Reading Comprehension GMAT Strategy Guide 7, Fourth Edition (Manhattan GMAT the new standard)
The Reading Comprehension Guide illustrates innovative sketching techniques designed to balance speed and comprehension.Each chapter builds comprehensive content understanding by providing rules, strategies and in-depth examples of how the GMAT tests a given topic and how you can respond accurately and quickly. The Guide contains a total of 69 'In-Action' problems of increasing difficulty with detailed answer explanations. The content of the book is aligned to the latest Official Guides from GMAC (12th edition).
A set of tests for the course of New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate contains reading, writing, listening comprehension test material, vocabularly and grammar checks.