The Guide to Colleges is the most trusted source of information for college-bound students and their parents. For more than 25 years, students, parents, and guidance counselors have relied on its unbiased, straightforward reviews of the 320+ best and most interesting colleges and universities. Every student is different. So is every college. Let the Guide help you find which one is your perfect match.
Careful research as well as testimonials from real students from each college provide helpful, honest information about the academic climates and courses, along with the important social and extracurricular scenes at great schools in the United States, plus Canada and Great Britain.
First Aid for Colleges and Universities (10th Edition)
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | E-Books, Medicine | 26 August 2012
First Aid for Colleges and Universities, Tenth Edition, is intended for students in a full-semester course leading to First Aid/CPR certification. It is designed specifically for college-level courses in First Aid and meets American Red Cross guidelines, while providing more depth and detail than the other available texts in the market. In addition to comprehensive coverage of all first aid situations a responder is likely to encounter, this book provides self-tests, critical thinking exercises, and skill assessment checklists.
This is a down-to-earth, 'how to do it' textbook on the making of dictionaries. Written by professional lexicographers with over seventy years' experience between them, the book presents a step-by-step course for the training of lexicographers in all settings, including publishing houses, colleges, and universities world-wide, and for the teaching of lexicography as an academic discipline.
SAT 2400: Aiming for the Perfect Score (3rd ed, 2010)
Added by: rapgreen | Karma: 1035.14 | Exam Materials » SAT | 7 February 2012
Barron's SAT 2400: Aiming for the Perfect Score (3rd ed, 2010)
Most college-bound test takers know that 2400 represents a perfect SAT score. Probably, they also know that scores of 2100 or higher virtually guarantee students acceptance at America's most prestigious colleges.
College Matters Guide to Getting Into the Elite College of Your Dreams
An invaluable resource for high school students who dream of getting into top- flight colleges College Matters offers the guidance of 12 students who made it into their dream colleges. They share their expertise about the entire process, from first explorations, to estimating chances, through the practical work of reaching the goal. Here's what you need to know to optimize your chances of admission to one of the most selective colleges.