Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Only for teachers, Kids | 4 September 2013
By Jenny Mosley. This book contains well structured and purposeful circle session plans that incorporate not only the curriculum for personal, social and emotional development but which will also enable young children to understand universal moral values and practise problem solving skills. Circle Time also facilitates language development, confidence building and the five vital skills of looking, listening, speaking, thinking and concentrating. Because children find Circle Time very motivating the may make developmental strides that can be difficult to achieve in more formal settings.
Young people have to cope with stress yet often are given little or no practical help, nor are they taught coping strategies. Using the popular technique of Circle Time, this book provides a range of exercises to promote relaxation, inner confidence and a positive sense of self through the use of visualisation. These strategies are already established in other walks of life, such as sport, and will build on emotional literacy work as part of the PSHE curriculum. The exercises are also accompanied by questions, discussion prompts and worksheets. This book will be useful for all adults who want to provide young people aged 8 upwards with the tools to assist emotional development.
Circle time is a very popular activity in today's schools and creates a safe, fun environment where children can think about their relationships, their behaviour, and be honest about their problems and feelings. In this book, the highly successful and popular author Mal Leicester offers a range of lively and engrossing stories, poems and songs for use in circle time activities and assemblies. They are specially written to develop the cognitive and emotional development of young children and aim to encourage active and responsible participation.
When young Per visits her uncle Sir Cumference and his family, she learns how to play the game, "Inners and Edges". After she finds a clue linking the game to the mysterious castle on the island of Immeter, she must figure out how to find the perimeter and area of a circle to unlock the island's secret. Math skills taught include finding the area and perimeter of a rectangle and a circle. Introduces an underlying concept of calculus - using straight lines to measure curves. Reading Level: Grade 2-5