Complete CAE Workbook with answers with Audio CD: contains 14 topic-based units for homework and self-study, each unit providing full exam practice in one part of the CAE Reading Paper or in two parts of the CAE Use of English Paper includes an audio CD containing all the listening material for the Workbook contains an answer key and annotated recording scripts.
!!!I do really advise it for listening in each unit!!!
A new six-level grammar practice series for primary pupils aged 6 to 12 which provides an introduction to grammatical concepts and written practice of them.
Clear, step-by-step grammar presentation and carefully graded practice
Contexts and situations, which are familiar to pupils from their everyday lives and from their coursebook, enable them to concentrate on the grammar.
Flexible enough to be used alongside any primary course.
Interactive Student CD-ROM has extra exercises and tests to motivate pupils and encourage learner independence.
Bigger, brighter and better than ever, Let's Go , 3rd Edition, is a series for children who are just beginning their study of English. It combines a carefully controlled, grammar-based syllabus with practical language. Functional dialogues, interactive games, and pair work activities foster a lively and motivating classroom environment. The new CD-ROM features interactive learning games that help reinforce the vocabulary and language from each unit.
This CD-ROM is designed for medical students doing their clinical rotations, allied health students, dental students, nurses, and residents. The information provided is in the form of Clinical Notes, which are linked to the appropriate chapters of the main text.