The last continent to be claimed by Europeans, Australia began to be settled by the British in 1788 in the form of a jail for its convicts. While British culture has had the largest influence on the country and its presence can be seen everywhere, the British were not Australia's original populace. The first inhabitants of Australia, the Aborigines, are believed to have migrated from Southeast Asia into northern Australia as early as 60,000 years ago. This distinctive blend of vastly different cultures contributed to the ease with which Australia has become one of the world's most successful immigrant nations.
A monthly title covering the diverse History of Britain. Topics covered include: - Amazing people from British history including Florence Nightingale, Isaac Newton and Charles Dickens.
- The people and culture of the British Isles. Celts, Gaelic, Welsh, Irish, Scottish and English. - The battles and wars from Hastings and The War of the Roses to World War II.
- The British Monarchs through the ages. William the Conqueror, The Tudors, Henry VIII and Queen Victoria to Queen Elizabeth II - From Stone Age Britain to The Industrial Revolution and a modern day history of a changing Britain.
As the British empire expanded throughout the world, the English language played an important role in power relations between Britain and its colonies. English was used as a colonizing agent to suppress the indigenous cultures of various peoples and to make them subject to British rule. With the end of World War II, many countries became gradually decolonized, and their indigenous cultures experienced a renaissance. Colonial mores and power systems clashed and combined with indigenous traditions to create postcolonial texts.
Short Stories by British writers. Короткі оповідання. Книжка для читання англійською мовою за творами британських письменників The manual contains eleven stories of English writers HG Wells, S. Maugham, A. Christie. Each story presents seven exercises aimed at mastering vocabulary and grammar of the English language and speech development of thinking skills and creative abilities of those who are learning English. For senior students of secondary schools and high schools, junior students of higher educational institutions, school pupils.
A monster online dictionary of the rich colourful language we call slang... all from a British perspective, with new slang added every month. Now it is awailable OFFLINE in one archive, fully browsable. I downloaded it using TeleportPro, so that everyone could enjoy one of the best online resources of British slang information in the offline mode.