This is the first text to focus solely on the writing of British writers of South Asian descent born or raised in Britain. Exploring the unique contribution of these writers, it positions their work within debates surrounding black British, diasporic, migrant, and postcolonial literature in order to foreground both the continuities and tensions embedded in their relationship to such terms, engaging in particular with the ways in which this 'new' generation has been denied the right to a distinctive theoretical framework through absorption into pre-existing frames of reference.
Big English British is the most complete package for young learners. It gives your students all they need to learn English. And it gives you everything you need to engage your students and get great results. The programme builds on the high-quality, best-practices pedagogy found in Backpack together with a variety of new and updated features. In addition to a balanced integrated skills approach to instruction, the course includes a CLIL strand and an emphasis on 21st century skills, challenging students to be creative, to think critically and to collaborate with their classmates.
Have you ever wondered where the best places to go are to see leaping salmon, rutting deer, diving gannets, breaching whales or bluebell woods in full bloom? The British Isles are home to some of the richest and most varied wildlife to be found in Europe, and knowing when and where to go is the key to seeing Britain's natural beauty at its very best.
This book visits vulnerability in contemporary British fiction, considering vulnerability in its relation to poetics, politics, ethics, and trauma. Vulnerability and risk have become central issues in contemporary culture, and artistic productions have increasingly made it their responsibility to evoke various types of vulnerabilities, from individual fragilities to economic and political forms of precariousness and dispossession.
Using British English and American English is one of the most serious problems that most of the learners encounter. They find it difficult to recognize the exact kinds of these words. With this materials, learners have opportunity to master the basic knowledge in caterogize these kinds of words.