Robert Frank’s Microeconomics and Behavior covers the essential topics of microeconomics while exploring the relationship between economics analysis and human behavior. The book’s clear narrative appeals to students, and its numerous examples help students develop economic intuition. This book introduces modern topics not often found in intermediate textbooks. Its focus throughout is to develop a student’s capacity to "think like an economist."
Canine Behavior: Insights and Answers, 2nd Edition offers cutting-edge information on the latest advances in the field of clinical canine behavior. It is intended to meet the needs of veterinarians, veterinary students and technicians as well as pet owners dealing with problem pets, pet care personnel who handle dogs in the course of their work, and dog lovers who are seeking understanding of the natural and aberrant behaviors of their canine companions.
Handbook of Developmental Science, Behavior, and Genetics
The Handbook of Developmental Science, Behavior, and Genetics brings together the cutting-edge theory, research and methodology that contribute to our current scientific understanding of the role of genetics in the developmental system.
Kants Moral Metaphysics: God, Freedom, and Immortality
Morality has traditionally been understood to be tied to certain metaphysical beliefs: notably, in the freedom of human persons (to choose right or wrong courses of action), in a god (or gods) who serve(s) as judge(s) of moral character, and in an afterlife as the locus of a ""final judgment"" on individual behavior. Some scholars read the history of moral philosophy as a gradual disentangling of our moral commitments from such beliefs.
Billy Clyde Puckett, former New York Giant football god and later television announcer, as general manager and part-owner of a new NFL team, the West Texas Tornadoes. His old drinking partner-in-crime and favorite receiver, Shake Tiller, has written a bestselling book, The Average Man's History of the World, and his nearly perfect wife,