Beating Diabetes:The First Complete Program Clinically Proven to Dramatically Improve Your Glucose Tolerance.
In Beating Diabetes, Dr. Nathan teams up with fellow Harvard Medical
School expert Linda Delahanty to arm people at high risk for developing
diabetes and those with type 2 diabetes with the first complete,
clinically proven program of its kind. Readers get: Step-by-step,
proven techniques to help them make real and lasting lifestyle changes
by eating better and exercising regularly without becoming a health nut
or spending hours in the gym Tasty, easy-to-prepare recipes and daily
meal plans from the chief dietitian at the Massachusetts General
Hospital Diabetes Center Guidelines for developing diabetes-busting
exercise routines appropriate to all ages and fitness levels Help in
identifying unhealthy, diabetes-promoting behaviors along with expert
guidance on making crucial lifestyle changes and sticking with them.