Indian Bead-Weaving Patterns
Indian Bead-Weaving Patterns is written for beginning and advanced beaders. It contains over 200 instructional illustrations and photographs of 47 beadwork pieces. Emphasis is on the use of traditional Native American beading techniques. The major portion of this book covers chain-weaving patterns, examples of which include multiple strands, 6-bead and 8-bead daisy chains, "Ogalala Butterfly," ladder weaves, "Peyote Stitch," fancy tubes, "spider" designs, "Apache Leaf," "Zig-zag" variations, 5- and 8-bead diagonals, "Potawatomi Weave," "Wide Net," "Lakota Chain," beaded braids, and beaded dolls. |
Tags: beaded, 8-bead, Indian, Patterns, Bead-Weaving |