David Dimbleby charts a landmark history of Britain’s greatest art and artefacts over 2000 years in Seven Ages of Britain. Seven Ages of Britain looks at our extraordinary past through the Arts - both as treasures that have often played a decisive part in events and as marvels of their age. From painted images and monuments of stone and gold to religious relics, weapons of war, instruments of science and works of art; often they are artefacts of great beauty and craftsmanship, but sometimes they are simple, everyday things which have a powerful story to tell.
Seven Ages of Britain - Age of Worship (episode 2)
In an ambitious and fascinating series, David Dimbleby reveals the seven great ages of British culture, uncovering and exploring over a thousand years of extraordinary artistic achievement.
David Dimbleby tells the story of Britain through its art and treasure. The first part of the chronicle begins with the Roman invasion and ends with the Norman Conquest.
Периодическое издание "Граємо в англійську" станет отличным помощником для преподавателей младших классов или родителей. Каждый журнал посвящен одной теме. Содержит различные тематические игры,карточки,задания,которые помогут Вам в изучении новых слов.Задания на английском языке.