John Steinbeck was a winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1962. He wrote such classics as "The Grapes of Wrath", "Of Mice and Men", The Red Pony", and "East of Eden". This title introduces a collection of critical essays about this author.
A Manager's Guide to Project Management: Learn How to Apply Best Practices
"Mike Bender has applied his considerable expertise to crafting straightforward and pragmatic guidelines on making project management work for your enterprise. Now it's up to you. This is how you add value to your organization." --Kimi Hirotsu Ziemski, PMP, VP Community Relations, PMI SFBAC; author, When Opposites Collide: Leadership Beyond Gender; and contributing author...
"In this lucid and well-informed happiness guide, Samuel Franklin bridges the wisdom of Aristotle to the insights of today's psychological science. Kudos for this compelling vision of the truly good life - the intrinsically rewarding, emotionally intelligent, spiritually fulfilled life." - David G. Myers, Hope College, author of The Pursuit of Happiness "The author relates a very wide range of psychological theories and findings to eudaimonic living, citing sources from Albert Ellis to Mihaly Csikzentmihali to Abe Maslow.
This e-book was originally published in print form by the Catalan Teachers of English Association, to help launch the BritLit initiative at the APAC Congress in February 2009. It coincided with a visit to schools in the city of author Louise Cooper, who also contributes to this book, and a short series of workshops for teachers about the project.
Making Master Guitars is a craftsman's handbook about the exciting and challenging pursuit of making classical guitars—a craft that the author reveals to be surprisingly accessible by following his instructions. The book is unique in that it includes nine separate detailed plans of instruments constructed by internationally famous guitar-makers. The author has had the rare opportunity of examining these instruments in detail, and has made many replicas of each one.