The Handbook of Phonetic Sciences This volume provides a comprehensive and authoritative survey of the key topics of the phonetic sciences. Contributions by many of the leading researchers in the field cover both theoretical and applied areas of speech communication.
There are contributions on experimental phonetics, including aerodynamics of speech, speech signal processing, laboratory techniques and acoustic phonetics, as well as discussions of speech technology applications in areas such as automatic recognition of speech and speakers, and speech synthesis. Following are chapters on the biological foundations of speech and hearing, such as brain functions underlying speech, auditory neural processing, and articulatory processes in speech production.
A section on theoretical approaches in phonetic sciences addresses aspects of spoken word recognition, coarticulation, articulatory/acoustic/auditory relationships and laryngeal function. The next section, linguistic phonetics, covers descriptive criteria in general phonetics and the relationship between phonetics and other areas of linguistics, such as phonology. The final selection contains contributions on speech technology, ranging from speech signal processing to speech synthesis.
The volume represents an unparalleled resource to students and specialists in linguistics, phonetics and psychology, speech and language therapists and speech technologists.
Added by: cumartesileri | Karma: 114.83 | Black Hole | 12 December 2007
DK: Test For Success: English Age 11. Prepare for SATs at age 11 Written by a team of Primary School teachers, this program covers all areas of the English Curriculum Key Stage 2.Test for success English is an interactive learning tool that helps focus revision and ensures success in school tests. Packed with interactive questions and tutorials, the program supports and extends schoolwork, including
grammar, comprehension and spelling exercises. The program also provides a personal study guide to suit your child's needs, targeting areas of weakness. Hosted by popular DK character Seemore Skinless it's bound to keep your child entertained while they're learning.
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In short, psychology overlaps with many other areas of study or even areas of life and work. Perhaps in part because of this, a defi nition has proved diffi cult for more than 100 years. Nowadays, it is usually defi ned as: the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. Some years ago, behavioural purists wanted the defi nition to embrace only behaviour, but the vacuity of that was eventually realised. There is clearly more to the human condition than behaviour. Also, the word psyche has an interesting background; it is a mixture of mind, spirit and, originally, even air (the other sense of spirit).
You’ll find what you need in this book - some advanced algebraic topics, but also the necessary basics, too. You can also find plenty of connections — the ways different algebraic topics connect with each other and the ways the algebra connects with other areas of mathematics. After all, the many other math areas drive Algebra II. Algebra is the passport to studying calculus, trigonometry, number theory, geometry, and all sorts of good mathematics. Algebra is basic, and the algebra you find here will help you grow your skills and knowledge so you can do well in math courses and possibly pursue other math topics.
The Gale Encyclopedia of Science Vol.1-6 (2004) 3rd ed.
The “Gale Encyclopedia of Science” is written at a level somewhere between the introductory sources and the highly technical texts currently available. This six-volume set covers all major areas of science and engineering, as well as mathematics and the medical and health sciences, while providing a comprehensive overview of current scientific knowledge and technology. Alphabetically arranged entries provide a user-friendly format that makes the broad scope of information easy to access and decipher. Entries typically describe scientific concepts, provide overviews of scientific areas and, in some cases, define terms.