Here is a complete self-teaching guide for anyone needing knowledge of math as it applies to engineering and technical fields. Now anyone can grasp the fundamentals of technical math -- without formal training, unlimited time, or a genius IQ. In Technical Math Demystified, bestselling science writer Stan Gibilisco provides an effective, illuminating, and entertaining way to learn this complex subject.
A horror novel from consistently bestselling Saul ( Suffer the Children ; Hellfire ) is set in Silverdale, Colo., a company-town variation on Spielberg surburbia. There, conglomerate TarrenTech provides the high school teams with every advantage, including a high-tech sports clinic. Dr. Martin Ames beefs up the brawny, aggressive teenagers, and it's to him that newcomer Sharon Tanner goes for answers when her gentle son Mark turns into a belligerent jock overnight. This slick, high-concept thriller, which might have been titled Stepford High , won't surprise anyone, but it should please the author's fans as it continues Saul's focus on children as the vehicles and victims of unnatural forces. 100,000 first printing; $100,000 ad/promo; Literary Guild selection.
Clear, concise, and accessible, this practical guide will give readers an unprecedented introduction to the fascinating world of Intellectual Property, one of the hottest and most misunderstood topics among business owners, inventors, and anyone with an idea. Frederick Mostert, one of the world's foremost experts, will help readers understand how, why, and when to protect their ideas and inventions.
No organization can succeed without effective negotiators.Indeed,no human interaction can thrive without compromise and an ability to recognize win/win situations. Understanding negotiation is, therefore,a key competency not only for people who need to negotiate with customers,suppliers, and the other side in industrial relations, but for anyone whose job includes seeking agreement with other people.
The Economist is an English-language weekly news and international affairs publication owned by The Economist Newspaper Ltd and edited in London. Continuous publication began under founder James Wilson in September 1843. The audio edition contains word-for-word recordings of all articles published in The Economist, read by professional broadcasters and actors. It is ideal for anyone who wants to listen to articles while travelling, exercising or just relaxing AUDIO added by Englishcology