Test Your IQ: 400 Questions to Boost Your Brainpower (2nd Edition)
Test Your IQ contains IQ test questions written and compiled by IQ-test experts, complete with a guide to assessing individual performance. Working through the questions can help anyone develop powers of calculation and logical reasoning. By studying the different types of test, and recognizing the different types of question, readers can improve their test scores and increase their IQ rating.
Twentieth-Century English: History, Variation and Standardization
Standard English has evolved and developed in many ways over the past hundred years. From pronunciation to vocabulary to grammar, this concise survey clearly documents the recent history of Standard English. Drawing on large amounts of authentic corpus data, it shows how we can track ongoing changes to the language, and demonstrates each of the major developments that have taken place.
Writing, Speaking, Listening: The Essentials of Business Communication
This handbook provides guidance on the three major communication skills at work - writing, presenting, and listening. It is suitable for managers, professionals, training departments and anyone in a people related job.
Added by: susan6th | Karma: 3133.45 | Fiction literature | 7 December 2009
The dramatic story of Jason--the loner and the outsider--and his struggle to be accepted into the society of his classmates, The Boy Who Would Be a Helicopter shows that the classrom is indeed the crucible within which the young discover themselves and learn to confront new problems. "Anyone who was once a child, and especially those who were helicopters, will enjoy it."--David Perkins, Kansas City Star.
Mr Duncan is an English teacher born in Stafford (United Kingdom), who after working for 4 years in China as a teacher of English conversation, returned to the UK and decided to create free videos to teach English to anyone interested in learning English online.