Discourse analysis does not attempt to reveal psychological universals but rather is concerned with the social context in which subjects' responses are generated. Instead of studying the mind as if it were outside language, psychologists using discourse analysis study the spoken and written texts where images of the mind are reproduced and transformed. "Discourse Analytic Research" is designed to meet the growing need among undergraduate and postgraduate psychology students for clear illustrations of discourse analytic work and to provide an empirically demonstrable critique of traditional psychological approaches.
Discussing Conversation Analysis: The work of Emanuel A. Schegloff presents an in-depth view on Schegloff’s complex and stimulating work in Conversation Analysis (CA) and offers clear insights into how it has and may be developed further as a research tool in social psychology, social science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics.
This book explores implications for applied linguistics of recent developments in technologies used in second language teaching and assessment, language analysis, and language use.
This book brings together work on critical discourse analysis written by Norman Fairclough between 1983 and 1992, which represents important contributions to the development of this increasingly popular area of study. The contents of the book are grouped in four sections. The first section examines the development of an analytical framework for researching language in relation to power and ideology. The second deals with the theme of discourse and contemporary social and cultural change, and the use of a critical discourse analysis framework in the study of change.
This title is a unique combination of biography and critical analysis, covering major writers from outside the United States and their significant works in fiction, drama, poetry, and nonfiction. A companion to the award-winning Magill's Survey of American Literature, this comprehensive, six-volume set offers profiles of major authors of fiction, drama, poetry, and essays, each with sections on biography, general analysis, and analysis of the author's most important works - novels, short stories, poems, and works of nonfiction. The completely revamped edition updates these original essays and adds many new ones, covering 380 writers at the heart of literary studies.
Special features: Five reference features can be found at the end of volume 6. The first is the Glossary, which defines crucial literary terms. There is also a Category List which groups authors by genre, gender and identity. Next comes a Geographical List, which groups the authors by country. The Author Index lists all authors covered in the set along with their works. Finally, the Title Index lists all works covered in the set. At a Glance: This title contains 6 volumes; 3,000 pages; and 380 essays with 87 new. It is illustrated and contains discussion topics; pronunciation for authors with foreign or unusual last names; glossary; category list; geographical list; author index; and title index.