How to Analyze People on Sight Through the Science of Human Analysis: The Five Human Types
In this popular American book from the 1920s, accomplished public speaker and self-help charlatan Elsie Lincoln Benedict outlines her pseudo-scientific system of "Human Analysis". She proposes that, within the human race, five sub-types have developed through evolutionary processes, each with its own distinct character traits and corresponding outward appearance.
This book examines the concepts of schema, register, and discourse genre. It considers what corpus descriptions of text tell us about language and examines how speakers take turns and negotiate meaning.
History's Ancient Legacies' combines spectacular new location footage with colorful, illustrative 3D animation sequences, and authoritative comment and analysis to provide a perfect introduction to the world's great lost treasures of ancient civilizations. Through the magic of 3D animation we can see how the Earth's ancient legacies such as Pompeii, Stonehenge, Hadrian's Wall and the Great Pyramids would have looked in their heyday. In addition, reconstructions provide an atmospheric taste of everyday life in ancient times and a team of leading authorities supply simple and concise analysis.
Analysing Interactions in Childhood: Insights from Conversation Analysis
Offers a fresh perspective on how conversation analysis can be used to highlight the sophisticated nature of what children actually do when interacting with their peers, parents, and other adults.