Talk in Action: Interactions, Identities, and Institutions (Language in Society)
Talk in Action examines the language, identity, and interaction of social institutions, introducing students to the research methodology of Conversation Analysis.
On the busiest shopping day of the year, idealistic students wade into malls across America carrying concealed devices they believe will cause chaos at the checkouts. But at the nation's largest shopping center, the results are incendiary - and people lie dead. A white-collar lobby group called Citizens for American Pride takes responsibility for the protest action, calling for an end to cheap, foreign-made goods and exported manufacturing jobs. But they insist the bombing was the work of rogue members, zealots who took the message too far...
Kindergarten-Grade 4 – The author has used the format of his popular Words Are CATegorical books (Millbrook) to look at mathematical functions. Subtraction is explained in rhyming text and simple, silly cartoons with excellent examples that range from angry bulldogs, hornets, and bowling pins to pieces of birthday cake, sports time-outs, and stuffed animals. The text is actually a rap that would be fun for students to memorize and perform. The illustrations are colorful and attractive, and an explanation of the equals sign is included.
This textbook is designed to be an introduction to the philosophy of action, suitable for students interested in the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of social sciences
Why are so few companies blogging? The phenomenon has been mainstream for a few years already, so many have probably considered it. Obviously, this has not yet spurred them to action.