Paris-Princeton Lectures on Mathematical Finance 2010
The Paris-Princeton Lectures in Financial Mathematics, of which this is the fourth volume, publish cutting-edge research in self-contained, expository articles from outstanding specialists - established or on the rise! The aim is to produce a series of articles that can serve as an introductory reference source for research in the field. The articles are the result of frequent exchanges between the finance and financial mathematics groups in Paris and Princeton.
The audio edition contains word-for-word recordings of all articles published in The Economist, read by professional broadcasters and actors. It is ideal for anyone who wants to listen to articles while travelling, exercising or just relaxing.
The Teacher´s Magazine Nº 129 (October 2010)
This month we present ideas and suggestions to celebrate Mother’s day, Family day and Halloween, which are so much looked forward to by our younger students. Handicrafts, special cookies, board games will appeal to children; all of them aiming to foster vocabulary and grammar while having fun. The present issue is rounded off by two articles for your professional development: one on bullying, a problem that is sometimes difficult to understand, and the other on a Web 2.0 tool that will help you upgrade and renew your teaching practices.