Indefinite and definite articles, such as “a”, “an” and “the”, describe and modify nouns. Articles and niggling little words known as determiners and quantifiers convey general and specific information. Articles tell the reader what you’re talking about and how much there is. Adults and advanced ESL students can run into many challenging situations where abstract and collective nouns make it difficult to decide whether to use “a”, “an” or “the.” In fact, article-related errors are one of the most frequent grammatical mistakes among ESL students representing 11% of all errors.
Writing Scientific Research Articles: Strategy and Steps guides authors in how to write, as well as what to write, to improve their chances of having their articles accepted for publication in international, peer reviewed journals.
How Articles Work in English. Как же все-таки употреблять артикли?
Эта полезная книга поможет сформировать, развить и закрепить навыки правильного употребления английских артиклей с самыми различными разрядами существительных. Материал книги поможет как учителю английского языка - проводить интенсивное обучение при индивидуальном подходе, так и всем тем, кто самостоятельно изучает английский язык - издание содержит ответы к упражнениям и тестам для самоконтроля.
A special issue of the Polish bimonthly magazine for the learners of English at upper intermediate and avanced levels (B2-C1). Each text accompanied by a wordlist. Some articles feature audio tracks.
Added by: saimoh76 | Karma: 7331.60 | Black Hole | 12 June 2012
Valuable tips for English study
Valuable tips for English study
Ten tips help you to learn English more effectively
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