The Complete Guide to Article Writing: How to Write Successful Articles for Online and Print Markets
Master the art of article writing! The world of journalism is changing rapidly, and the modern journalist needs more than a basic knowledge of article writing to navigate it. The Complete Guide to Article Writing provides a compass for freelancers and students of journalism looking to write successfully on a wide variety of topics and for many different markets--both in print and online.
From researching and interviewing to writing features, reviews, news articles, opinion pieces, and even blog posts, this one-stop guide will illuminate the intricacies of article writing so you can produce entertaining, informative, and salable articles.
The goal of this volume is to examine academic discourse (AD) from cross-linguistic and cross-cultural perspectives. The adjective "Cross-cultural" in the volume title is not just limited to national contexts but also includes a cross-disciplinary perspective. Twelve scientific fields are under scrutiny in the articles. One of the unique aspects of the volume is the inclusion of a variety of foreign languages (English (as a lingua franca), Spanish, French, Swedish, Russian, German, Italian, and Norwegian). Besides, in several articles dealing with oral AD, comparisons and parallels are also established with written AD.
This magazine is designed for technically educated professionals and managers who have a positive predisposition to read about, get involved with and act on a broad range of the physical and social sciences. Its articles and features anticipate what the breakthroughs and the news will be in a society increasingly dependent upon scientific and technological advances.
It's a formula that appeals to English as a Second Language instructors and students alike: short, high-interest readings explaining facets of the target culture; bold type highlighting key words and phrases, with copious same-page glossary notes defining them in the learner's language; and a handful of quizzes, grammar points, and study tips. Read & Think English offers 111 articles about life in the United States. Its ten chapters deal with food, culture, traditions, travel, history, geography, power and politics, celebrations, business, and notable people.
Magazine devoted to every aspect, off-shoot, and history of the Doctor Who television show. Each issue contains photographs; an animated comic of the current episode; and reviews of DVDs, CDs, books, and articles about the actors who have been in the series. Truly a labor of love.