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Cognition Distributed: How cognitive technology extends our minds
Cognition Distributed: How cognitive technology extends our mindsOur species has been a maker and user of tools for over two million years, but "cognitive technology" began with language. Cognition is thinking, and thinking has been "distributed" for at least the two hundred millennia that we have been using speech to interact and collaborate, allowing us to do collectively far more than any of us could have done individually. The invention of writing six millennia ago and print six centuries ago has distributed cognition still more widely and quickly, among people as well as their texts.
Serial Crime: Theoretical and Practical Issues in Behavioral Profiling

Serial Crime: Theoretical and Practical Issues in Behavioral ProfilingThis book successfully connects concepts and creates links to criminal behavior across crimes murder, sexual assault, and arson something no other book available does.


Highly recommended for all of you who are also hooked on the Criminal Minds and CSI series for sheer enterteinment. This book will make your leisure time  even more thrilling :) Enjoy! - stovokor, a serial reader.

Business Words You Should Know
Business Words You Should KnowWith this easy to use, easy to understand guide, you will:
Learn business vocabulary and how to use it confidently
Be able to reference key terms from all areas of business
Locate more than 1,000 clear definitions
Set up in dictionary style, Business Words You Should Know features not only definitions, but also offers sample sentences and similar terms for each entry, as well as lists of acronyms and common business concepts.
Archaeology For Dummies
Archaeology For Dummies
Archaeology continually makes headlines--from recent discoveries like the frozen Copper-Age man in the Italian Alps to the newest dating of the first people in America at over 14,0000 years ago. Archaeology For Dummies offers a fascinating look at this intriguing field, taking readers on-site and revealing little-known details about some of the world's greatest archaeological discoveries.
The Power Presenter
The Power PresenterLearn the successful presentation techniques used in over 500 IPO road shows and featured in The Wall Street Journal and Fast Company.
Jerry Weissman is the presentations coach to Microsoft, Cisco Systems, and many of America′s top executives, including founding Yahoo CEO Tim Koogle, Intuit founder Scott Cook, Netflix founder and CEO Reed Hastings, and many others. The San Jose Mercury News says that Weissman′s IPO presentation coaching "is worth 10% on a company stock."