A personal endeavour of Esmail Karbalaee. In this book he presents a good review of English Tenses with some exercises. This will be useful for the teachers and students alike as a brief but ample introduction.
An indispensable guide to English grammatical structures, this book analyses the basic elements, phrases, clauses and sentences, and highlights other aspects of English such as subject-verb agreement.
Instead of abstract theory and examples, this book features practice, practice, practice. This
is the second level in a 4-book series that stresses grammar in action,
with numerous exercises presented in real-life situations and settings.
Beginning/intermediate grammar learners. GrammarWork,
English Exercises in Context, Second Edition, is a four-level series of
exercise books that feature structures tied to meaningful contexts.Perforated answer keys are included. Self-contained, contextualized exercises are designed for written practice. "Make It Work" sections enable students to apply what they have learned to realistic situations. Can be used for individual or classroom practice.
Сборник содержит более тысячи русских пословиц и поговорок и их английских аналогов с дословным переводом.
Книга является практическим пособием и адресована широкому кругу
читателей - как взрослым, так и детям, изучающим английский язык, а
также всем, кто интересуется русской и английской литературой.
More than 300 Russian proverbs and sayings with their English equivalents.
The book is suitable for kids and grown-ups, fo all learning English or interested in Russian and English litterature.
This is a compilation of the promotional offer from OUP to the registered readers through 10 emails before the publication of the Third Edition of Practical English Usage by Michael Swan.