The Sociology Project conveys the power of the sociological imagination and engages us to interact with the questions, mysteries, and challenges of our world. Seeking to spark students’ sociological imaginations, The Sociology Project provides an interactive approach for discovery. The passion and insight of the sociological perspective are revealed through a collaborative authorship. Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience – for you and your students. Here’s how: - Personalize Learning - Featuring the most immersive media program available, MySocLab delivers dynamic, engaging experiences that personalize, stimulate, and measure learning for every student. - Improve Critical Thinking - The Big Questions pedagogical framework is designed to foster intellectual curiosity. - Engage Students - The text provides links to a wider world of content, including interactive maps, videos, and activities. - Explore Theory - Because each author is a specialist on the chapter’s topic, students learn about the most current theory, research and debates in the field.