rich and huge source of slang street language dictionary for babylon
the definitions on urban dictionary are meant to be those of slang or culture words, phrases, and phenomena not found in standard dictionaries.
most words have multiple definitions, usage examples and tags.
visitors to urban dictionary may submit definitions without registering but they must provide a valid e-mail address to facilitate the submission process,
entries become the property of urban dictionary, before they are included in the dictionary, all new definitions must be approved by editors.
Editors are given this set of guidelines to use when approving or rejecting definitions:-
- publish celebrity names but reject friend's name, definitions of first name are acceptable , names of bands and schools should be published only if they are popular.
- publish opinions, opinions are useful to readers.
- publish place names, nicknames and area codes of geographic entities.
- publish if the definition appears plausible.
-publish nonslang words , swearing, mis-spelling, or presence of words in ordinary dictionary are not reasons for rejection and should be ignored.
No of entries 1017849