Dialogs for Everyday Use is a collection of thirty situational dialogs that focus on a wide variety of communicative situations and natural encounters in English. Each dialog is accompanied by a contextual illustration and can be used as a springboard for extended listening and speaking practice. The text also includes language notes that provide useful information on grammar and intonation patterns. This text is suggested for intermediate learners of English.
Notes: there is no illustration in the text file
Dialog 1 - Formal Greetings and Farewells.
Dialog 2 - Informal Greetings and Farewells.
Dialog 3 - Formal Introductions.
Dialog 4 - Informal Introductions.
Dialog 5 - Time.
Dialog 6 - A Telephone Call.
Dialog 7 - Happiness.
Dialog 8 - Ordering a Meal.
Dialog 9 - Birthdays.
Dialog 10 - A Crowded Theater.
Dialog 11 - Mistakes.
Dialog 12 - Games.
Dialog 13 - Health.
Dialog 14 - Sports.
Dialog 15 - Asking Directions.
Dialog 16 - Coincidences.
Dialog 17 - Safety.
Dialog 18 - Musical Instruments.
Dialog 19 - Taking a Vacation.
Dialog 20 - Recipes.
Dialog 21 - Weather.
Dialog 22 - Having Things Done.
Dialog 23 - Mailing Letters.
Dialog 24 - Animals.
Dialog 25 - Shopping.
Dialog 26 - Transportation.
Dialog 27 - Comparing.
Dialog 28 - Pastimes.
Dialog 29 - Weddings.
Dialog 30 - Effort.