William Shakespeare, "Romeo and Juliet" (The New Cambridge Shakespeare, Updated Edition)
Professor Evans helps the reader to visualise the stage action of Romeo and Juliet, a vital element in the play's significance and useful to students approaching it for the first time. The history of the play in the theatre is accompanied by illustrations of notable productions from the eighteenth century onwards. A lucid commentary alerts the reader to the difficulties of language, thought and staging.
For this updated edition Thomas Moisan has added a new section to the Introduction which takes account of the number of important professional theatre productions and the large output of scholarly criticism on the play which have appeared in recent years. The Reading List has also been revised and augmented.
An international team of scholars offers:
modernized, easily accessible texts
ample commentary and introductions
attention to the theatrical qualities of each play and its stage history
informative illustrations
List of Illustrations Preface Abbreviations and Conventions
Introduction The date Sources and structure The tragic pattern Language, style and imagery The characters Romeo and Juliet in the theatre Recent Developments in Criticism and Production, by Thomas Moisan Romeo and Juliet and Recent Criticism Gender and Romeo and Juliet '... wherefore art thou Romeo?' Death Festival and Black Funeral 'In fair Verona where we set our scene': the Text In its Time The Text in Our Times Romeo and Juliet in Recent Stage and Film Productions
Note on the Text List of Characters
The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
Supplementary Notes Textual Analysis Appendix: Brooke's Romeus The Argument The Tragicall History of Romeus and Juliet The lovers exchange vows of mutual love Juliet debates at length Romeus's intentions Juliet receives permission to go to shrift, where she meets with Romeus The lovers discuss their perilous situation The open quarrel between the Capilets and Montagewes begins Juliet laments Romeus's banishment and Tybalt's death The Nurse finds Juliet in a faint and revives her The Nurse goes to find Romeus at the Friar's cell Romeus and Juliet spend a last night together, lamenting his exile Romeus refuses to allow Juliet to accompany him Romeus suffers in exile in Mantua In Verona, Juliet is counselled to forget the death of Tybalt Juliet's mother reports Juliet's sad state to Capilet and urges marriage as a remedy. Capilet approaches Paris Juliet visits the Friar for comfort and aid All lament the supposed death of Juliet Romeus receives the fatal news and seeks out an Apothecary The Friar goes to the tomb at the appointed time Juliet laments Romeus's death The Friar, with philosophical embellishments and at great length, recounts the whole course of events Reading List