Program do nauki slowek w tym zestaw slowek z callana en-pl
Published by: jz18 (Karma: 0.00) on 15 December 2009 | Views: 1455 |

Jest to niewieli program do cwiczen slowek z jezyka obcego na zasadzie supermemo,w zestawie dolaczony jest zestaw slowek z callana,lecz mozna edytowac,dodawac inne slowka ,mozna twozyc wlasne zestawy,program pochodzi ze stronki http://www.kde-apps.org/index.php?xcontentmode=242 opis programu: Description: Fresh Memory is a program for studying foreign words. It can manage flashcards stored in dictionaries. The user can create and edit the dictionaries. The flashcards are used to study words with one of the tools: * Word drill (random flashcard browsing) * Spaced repetition Fresh Memory can also be used to study any structured data. The examples could be capitals of countries, chemical elements, or even birthdays of friends. Changelog: 0.4 * Minor bug fixes: The postponed cards (0- and 1-graded) are handled incorrectly: - when the time-scheduled cards are over - when opening and closing the Spacedrep tool without actually repeating anything * GUI: Change key shortcuts to Ctrl+W, F5, F6 (close tab, Word drill, Spaced repetition). * GUI: Change the "Quit" buttons to "Close" in the study tool windows. na stronie produceta sa wersje rowniez na linux. link do programu z zestawem slowek z callana zawierajacy slowka 11 czesci bez 12 http://rapidshare.com/files/321189209/fm-0.4-win32.rar.html MD5: A617F344C0EBCF891792A5712475823A
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Tags: slowek, zestaw, dolaczony, callanaProgram, zestawie, callana, nauki, supermemow |