Frogs into Princes
Published by: hawk-lutsyk (Karma: 8.40) on 28 November 2009 | Views: 2912 |
It has been referred by many as the book to read for somebody starting out in neuro-linguistic programming and rightfully so.
Richard Bandler and John Grinder are the founders of neuro-linguistic programming so you can expect a fair in depth discussion on the topics within the book. Frogs Into Princes is a transcript from a live seminar conducted by the two presenters. It is divided into three main sections which were presented on three separate days in the seminar:
- Sensory Experience: Representational Systems and Accessing Cues
- Changing Personal History and Organization: Anchoring
- Finding New Ways: Reframing
Tags: decabristka, Frogs, Princes, rightfully, programming |