This book presents new work on the psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics of compound words and shows the insights it offers on natural language processing and the relation between language, mind, and memory.
Contents Preface and Overview vi Notes on the Contributors xii 1 Why Study Compound Processing?An overview of the issues 1 Gary Libben 2 Compound Types 23 Wolfgang U. Dressler 3 Compound Representation and Processing:A cross-language perspective 45 Gonia Jarema 4 The Neuropsychology of Compound Words 71 Carlo Semenza and Sara Mondini 5 Preschool Children’s Acquisition of Compounds 96 Elena Nicoladis 6 Doghouse/Chien-maison/Niche: Approaches to the understanding of compound processing in bilinguals 125 Erika S. Levy, Mira Goral, and Loraine K. Obler 7 Conceptual Combination: Implications for the mental lexicon 145 Christina L. Gagneґ and Thomas L. Spalding 8 Processing Chinese Compounds: A survey of the literature 169 James Myers References 197 Index 223