King Street Junior was a Radio Comedy about a junior school aired by the BBC from March 1985 to November 1998.
A continuation of the series renamed King Street Junior Revisited started in 2002 and continued until 2005..
An unassuming character sitcom-cum-light drama serial follows the working lives of a group of teachers at a small junior school in a multiracial area, and came from the pen of Jim Eldridge, himself a former teacher.
King Street Junior Revisited - S01 - E01 - A Good Heart
With a new term looming, for the school teachers it's D-day minus one.
Stars Carolyn Pickles and Marlene Sidaway.
The long summer holiday is over - and it's D-Day minus one for the teachers of King Street Junior.
King Street Junior Revisited - S01 - E02 - The Real Thing
A big fund-raising concert is planned and there's a Russian supply teacher on the way.
Starring Carolyn Pickles.
It might be called a concert promotion, but Mrs Devon has another term for it.
King Street Junior Revisited - S01 - E03 - The System
Mr Maxwell's attempt to maintain playground law and order lands him in trouble.
Stars Carolyn Pickles.
The end justifies the means, maybe. But there's sometimes a price to pay.
King Street Junior Revisited - S01 - E04 - Oh No it Isn't
Starring Carolyn Pickles.
Why is Mr Maxwell so hung up on the idea of democracy? And is a choice between pantomime and museum the best example? An exercise in democracy leads to an outbreak of playground activism.
King Street Junior Revisited - S01 - E05 - Waiting For Ofsted
There's tension in the staff room, nerves are on edge. Why? The inspectors are coming!
Starring Carolyn Pickles. From May 2002.
King Street Junior Revisited - S01 - E06 - Jour De Fete
A dilemma for the Head, the search for a truant - and a surprise at the School Fete. Starring Carolyn Pickles. From May 2002.
Approved by Maria