In Geometry, students will develop reasoning and problem solving skills as they study topics such as congruence and similarity, and apply properties of lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles. They will also develop problem-solving skills by using length, perimeter, area, circumference, surface area, and volume to solve real-world problems. In addition to its geometry content, Geometry includes numerous examples and exercises involving algebra, data analysis, and probability. These math topics often appear on standardized tests, so maintaining familiarity with them is important. To help students prepare for standardized tests, Geometry provides instruction and practice on standardized test questions in a variety of formats – multiple choice, short response, extended response, and so on. Reading age for native speakers: High School students
NB: Neither Glossary nor Index nor Worked-Out Solutions are included in this pdf version of the textbook!
UNIT 1 Points, Lines, and Planes Chapter 1: Essentials of Geometry Chapter 2: Reasoning and Proof Chapter 3: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
UNIT 2 Triangles Chapter 4: Congruent Triangles Chapter 5: Relationships within Triangles Chapter 6: Similarity
UNIT 3 Figures in the Plane Chapter 7: Right Triangles and Trigonometry Chapter 8: Quadrilaterals Chapter 9: Properties of Transformations
UNIT 4 Circles and Measurement Chapter 10: Properties of Circles Chapter 11: Measuring Length and Area Chapter 12: Surface Area and Volume of Solids
Student Resources Skills Review Handbook Extra Practice Tables Postulates and Theorems Additional Proofs Credits Selected Answers