They Say I Say”: The Moves That Matter in Persuasive Writing
An instant bestseller when it first appeared as a college textbook, "They Say / I Say" gives writers precisely what they need to know in the all-important domain of persuasive writing. Cutting through the clutter of educational diagnoses and nostrums, it goes right to the heart of what writers most need to do, and that is to listen to what others are saying (they say), summarize it, and then offer their own argument (I say) as a response. Offering user-friendly templates to help writers make these key moves in their own writing, "They Say / I Say" is already being called the Strunk & White of persuasive writing. 2nd edition added
This student-friendly handbook provides an engaging overview of American fiction over the twentieth century, with entries on the important historical contexts and central issues, as well as the major texts and writers. Provides extensive coverage of short stories and short story writers as well as novels and novelists Discusses the cultural contexts and issues that shape the texts and their reputations Wide-ranging in scope, including science fiction and recent Native American writing Featured writers range from Henry James and Theodore Dresier to Toni Morrison, Don DeLillo, and Sherman Alexie
Shakespeare and Montaigne are the English and French writers of the sixteenth century who have the most to say to modern readers. Shakespeare certainly drew on Montaigne's essay 'On Cannibals' in writing The Tempest and debates have raged amongst scholars about the playwright's obligations to Montaigne in passages from earlier plays including Hamlet, King Lear and Measure for Measure.
This book examines the ways in which Montaigne and Shakespeare used their reading and argued with it to create something new. It is the most sustained account available of the similarities and differences between these two great writers.
Word Work & Spelling Graphic Organizers & Mini-LessonsHelp students become super spellers with 20 engaging graphic organizers! Designed for flexible use, they can be used to reinforce any words. Interactive mini-lessons introduce each organizer; then photocopy for homework, class work, group work, assessment, and more. A great way to make learning visible and memorable! For use with Grades 2-4.
Word Work & Spelling Graphic Organizers & Mini-Lessons: 20 Graphic Organizers With Mini-Lessons to Help Students Recognize Spelling Patterns, Analyze ... and Writers
In this book, Linda Seger shows how to create strong, multidimensional characters in fiction, covering everything from research to character block. Interviews with today's top writers complete this essential volume.