ПУБЛИКАЦИЯ ФИЛЬМОВ: Начиная с 20 июля 2008, мы принимаем ТОЛЬКО ФИЛЬМЫ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ С АНГЛИЙСКИМИ СУБТИТРАМИ (субтитры обязательны!). Всё остальное (фильмы без титров, титры без фильмов, фильмы на других языках и т.д.) будет удаляться без дальнейших комментариев.
MOVIES: Starting from 20 July 2008, only movies in English and with ENGLISH subtitles PROVIDED BY UPLOADER are allowed to be published. Everything else (movies without subtitles, subtitles with no movies, movies or subs in any languages other than English) will be deleted without further notice.
Added by: annabelle_lee | Karma: 428.14 | Fiction literature | 4 June 2009
In 1989 Follett published what was to become one of his most popular novels, The Pillars of the Earth, a historical epic about the construction of an English cathedral. 18 years later Follett presented his eager fans with a sequel to Pillars, World Without End. This an amazingly well-researched, intricately plotted and richly detailed novel, set in the same English cathedral town as Pillars. It has as its primary characters the descendants of the major characters that appeared in the previous book.
Problems that beset Archimedes, Newton, Euler, Cauchy, Gauss, Monge and other greats, ready to challenge today’s would-be problem solvers. Among them: How is a sundial constructed? How can you calculate the logarithm of a given number without the use of logarithm table? No advanced math is required. 100 problems with proofs.
How to Feed Your Whole Family a Healthy, Balanced Diet: Simple, Wholesome and Nutritious Recipes for Family Meals
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Non-Fiction, Other | 27 April 2009
We like to tell ourselves we're far too busy to cook these days...Less than forty years ago people had jobs and families to look after, but still managed to prepare and cook meals from scratch every day of the week - without the modern conveniences of supermarkets and fast food; or a fridge, food processor or microwave. But it is possible to feed your family a healthy, balanced diet (without depriving them of the things they like) even if you work full-time and don't have a lot of money. This book provides simple, wholesome and nutritious recipes for family meals; quick lunches, tasty puddings and cakes - and you don't have to spend hours slaving over a hot stove, or spend a fortune at the supermarket. There are menu plans, recipes, shortcuts and dozens of ideas for every meal, together with tried and tested tips to help you save your valuable time and money. Now everyone can be a yummy mummy or daddy in the kitchen.
Now in its 8th edition, this extensively revised and updatedhandbook explains how you can write reports that will be:A* Read without unnecessary delayA* Understood without undue effortA* Accepted, and where applicable, acted uponDivided into three parts, the book looks in detail firstly at thepractical side of report writing:A* Preparation and planningA* Collecting and handling informationA* Writing and revisingSecondly, at the creative side of report writing:A* Achieving a good style and choosing the right wordsAnd thirdly at 23 common types of report, including:A* Annual reportsA* Appraisal reportsA* Audit reportsA*