Ultralight Backpackin' Tips: 153 Amazing & Inexpensive Tips for Extremely Lightweight Camping
Short, to the point, and humorously illustrated by famed outdoor illustrator Mike Clelland, this book presents everything hikers and backpackers need to be safe, comfortable, and well-fed while carrying a very small and lightweight pack.
Perfect for mixed-ability classrooms, the Workbook provides extra reading and writing revision and reference material for weaker students, as well as Challenge and Vocabulary Builder extension activities for stronger learners. The regular reviews allow teachers to monitor their students' progress, while continued revision of the material builds students' confidence.
Choices meets the challenge of motivating older teenagers who need to achieve academic and educational goals in a modern world. Combining contemporary, cultural and educational topics with a wide range of digital, online (MyEnglishLab) and print material, Choices gives teachers the power to adapt to their classrooms, while the authentic BBC and Channel 4 video clips keep interest levels high and boredom factors low!
This book has been compiled in response to a demand for more One-Act Plays of To-day suitable for junior reading and performance. Most of the items have been found to exercise a strong appeal on boys and girls from twelve to sixteen years of age, while a few have been actually ' tried out ' on the school stage.
Cosmic Kids is a fun, three-level course for Senior A-B-C students written especially for Greece and Cyprus. This course ensures that all skills are integrated within the English language teaching syllabus, while giving special attention to writing and grammar.