The Unofficial Guide to Washington, D.C. (8th edition)
* Guides travelers to Washington's best cultural and historic sights-and offers helpful hints on how to beat the crowds and avoid long waits * More than 75 in-depth restaurant reviews explain where to find a good meal * Incisive hotel ratings show how to find the best lodgings at the best prices * Shows how to get around, how to see the government work, and where to find parks and outdoor activities
In a fun game-show format, Punctuation Made Easy will familiarize your students with the importance of punctuation - how it works like a code that tells a reader how to read the words on a page. Students will develop strategies for using punctuation effectively to clarify the meaning of their writing. Intelligent software assesses each student's abilities and then presents tutorial lessons for those topics where special attention is needed. The program also includes a special teacher's section where each student's progress report can be viewed.
Learn To Read - Where Do Monsters Live? We Can Eat the Plants. (+CD + workbook)
Серия книг Learn To Read предназначена для чтения и обучения ребенка читать, пополнять словарный запас, в легкой форме запоминать прочитанное (услышанное) наизусть. Предназначено для детей дошкольного возраста (подойдет и для школьников начальных классов). В один набор входит: две яркие красочные короткие книжки, СD, workbook.
Mental Floss is your cheat sheet to a complete education. Lets face it, we all want to feel smart. We all want to feel well educated. But, we need someone to make learning simple. Thats where Mental Floss steps in. Mental Floss will teach you the things
In a fun game-show format, Spelling Made Easy will help your students become familiar with spelling rules, exceptions to the rules and patterns. Students will develop strategies for tackling common spelling errors. Intelligent software assesses each student's abilities and then presents tutorial lessons for those topics where special attention is needed. The program also includes a special teacher's section where each student's progress report can be viewed.