Solutions Upper-Intermediate 2nd Edition: TB CD-ROM
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Coursebooks , Only for teachers | 7 November 2014
Interactive activities to practise the grammar and vocabulary included in the Student’s Book
Printable Classroom Activités for further practice
Printable Self-Test sheets for vocabulary revision, and suggestions for Warmers and Fillers
9 comments, 14825 views
Tags: vocabulary , Printable , Warmers , revision , sheets
Solutions Advanced (2nd Edition):Teacher's Resource CD-ROM
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Coursebooks , Only for teachers | 23 October 2013
Interactive activities to practise the grammar and vocabulary included in the Student’s Book
Printable Classroom Activités for further practice
Printable Self-Test sheets for vocabulary revision, and suggestions for Warmers and Fillers
14 comments, 12315 views
Tags: vocabulary , Printable , Solutions , Fillers , Warmers
Language Activities for Teenagers
Here are 99 enjoyable activities, for 11-16 year olds, to coax, cajole and tempt them into learning English. The authors, drawing on their own vast experience, share ideas on maintaining discipline, using ice-breakers, warmers, fillers, developing vocabulary and using literature.
29 comments, 14868 views
Tags: using , fillers , warmers , icebreakers , developing , Language , Activities , using , maintaining