Moby Dick is an epic tale of the voyage of the whaling ship the Pequodand its captain, Ahab, who relentlessly pursues the great white whale during a journey around the world. The story is seen through the eyes of Ishmael, a sailor on the Pequod. Ishmael arrives in New Bedford where he meets Queequeg, a harpooner from the South Pacific, who becomes his inseparable friend during the long whaling voyage
Ten Indians sailed around the world in a yacht, covering 55,000 km in fifteen months and twelve days. The yacht was only 11m long and 3.25 m wide— Trishna. It was the first Indian sailing expedition around the world. All ten, including myself, were army officers from the Corps of Engineers, which is often considered a small navy within the Army. We work in and on water, constructing bridges and ferries and are familiar with crossing lakes, rivers and seas in crafts of different kinds.
I have had pleasure in editing this little book, not only because it is the work of my youngest son, but also because it contains the results of a good deal of experience of life under novel aspects, as seen by young, fresh, and observant eyes. How the book came to be written is as follows: The boy, whose two years' narrative forms the subject of these pages, was at the age of sixteen seized with inflammation of the lungs, from which he was recovering so slowly and unsatisfactorily, that I was advised by London physicians to take him from the business he was then learning in Yorkshire, and send him on a long sea voyage.
Annie, Lady Brassey was a very popular Victorian author. She travelled with her husband, Thomas and her children aboard their yacht, the Sunbeam. Their eleven month sailing trip around the world in 1876-7 was inmortalized in Anna's book "A Voyage in the Sunbeam". The book ran through many English editions and was translated into many other languages.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 1 November 2010
A Voyage Round The World
Here is a sort of compendium of all the excitements that befall Kingston's young heroes. Swimming episodes of various kinds, serpents, unfriendly savages, and unexpected coincidences, have all been put together here, to make a well-written book, that you will find quite amusing and interesting.