TIME Magazine
December 10, 2007 Vol. 170 No. 24
• COVER: Has Obama Changed Politics, or Has It Changed Him? - In his new, more combative mode, the challenger has begun to dislodge the idea of Hillary Clinton's inevitability. But does going on offense put him on the defensive about changing politics as usual?
• HEALTH & MEDICINE: The Next Attention Deficit Disorder? - If you haven't heard of sensory processing disorder, or SPD, you're not alone. It's not in the medical books. So why are so many kids being treated for it?
• BUSINESS: Bracing for a Recession - Consumers drive the U.S. economy. But we're maxed out on our debt, and the good times may be coming to an end
• ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: The Legend of Will Smith - How one man built a global movie-magnet machine