Revised for the December 2008 exam, Practice Tests Plus New Edition thoroughly prepares students for the ESOL exams by providing authentic practice of all five exam papers. 'Teaching not just testing' improves students' exam performance by offering guidance on how to approach each task type and training students on how to choose the right answer. NON-ISO (=direct run) VERSION by Pumukl
Added by: cubexno | Karma: 27.67 | Exam Materials » PET | 6 September 2008
PET Practice Tests Plus 2 The Practice Tests Plus series provides sets of complete tests at exam
level and in exam format for KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS and
Michigan ECPE and ECCE levels. Each book introduces students to exam
formats and provides step-by-step task guidance and useful tips to
maximise their chances of excelling.
Features a variety of stimulating texts and lively visual material
Provides an overview of all task formats and what they test
Answers students' top 20 questions about each exam
Offers practical tips and guidance on how to approach each task type AUDIO added Thanks to Hanna Kash!
Added by: tripleM | Karma: 0.11 | Exam Materials » SAT | 31 August 2008
SAT II is the former name of SAT Subject Tests, Review of test contents, Illustrative problems and solutions, Exercises and solutions, 4 practice tests Maths Level I, 3 practice tests Maths Level II, Explained solutions for all practice tests
Question Tools is an integrated suite of products that allows anyone to create online lessons, exercises, surveys, tests & exams, and automatically collect & analyse results ... all without programming, scripting or HTML skills. If you can use Microsoft Word you can use Question Tools Editor Suite.
Tests the grammar, functions, vocabulary and reading found in widely used coursebooks and as the book contains a detachable key, it can be used by both students and teachers. reuploaded Thanks to msaddam!