They include exercises for your students. Some of the grammatical points covered are the following:
All vs All of ; Amount vs Number vs Quantit; Assure , Ensure, Insure, Secure; Between vs Amon; Causative verbs; Close (to) vs near (to)
Conditional sentences; Confusing words ; Either or / Neither nor; Even though / Even if / Even so; Lastly, Finally, Eventually, In the end , at last, etc..
All teachers know that a robust vocabulary gives students the communication skills they need to do well on tests and shine in the classroom--and the best way to ensure successful vocabulary instruction is to embrace new and engaging strategies that don't take too much time away from other work. To get the clock on their side and do what's best for their students, teachers need to learn how to provide short and effective vocabulary mini-lessons that can be used at any point during class.
Beginning with guiding teachers in establishing a positive and supportive learning environment for student achievement, Academic Success then presents a review of behavioral, constructivist, and cognitive learning theories. These theories are reflected within the four main categories with which teachers must constantly deal, these being motivation; goals/objectives and feedback; delivering original learning; and reinforcement. Academic Success provides numerous examples of classroom applications that show how the theories can be implemented.
The Teacher’s Magazine is a monthly issue specially designed for teachers of English as Foreign or Second Language. It provides creative ready-to-go materials to make their classes more active and appealing to students. The ideal magazine for English teachers that choose to work effectively with students of all levels and ages and an asset at the moment of developing contents.